A few movies of my simulations
Here are a few movies that I like to share and show in my presentations. If you have seen a figure or movie in one of my talks, but you cannot find it here, please don't hesitate to contact me!

Infall onto primordial disk with varying angles that can lead to misalignment between inner and outer disk.

Infall with 60 degrees seen edge-on with respect to the primordial disk.
Zoom-in onto an embedded protoplanetary disk. The video starts at 40 pc (about 8 million au) and goes down to scales of less than 100 au. For reference, 1 au is the distance from the Earth to the Sun, which is about 150 million km.
A 50 000-year old disk obtained from one of the zoom-in simulations. The video shows the evolution of the disk for 106 years.
Asymmetric outflow during the formation of a protostar.